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Updated August 2014

This is based on information provided by Michael Gee in late 2002 and John Anderson in early 2003. It took me over 11 years to put it in standard form here. So sorry :(

Each ride structure contains 608 bytes. Some of the items are the same as described under the TD4 documentation.

000 : ride type (FF if not used)
001 : vehicle type
002,3 : ?
004 : operating mode

005 : color Scheme (original RCT)
006..045 : body and trim colors (32 sets)
046 : Track primary color (original RCT)
047 : Track secondary color (original RCT)
048 : Track support color (original RCT)
049 : ride status - 0 = closed, 1 = open, 2 = test
04A..04B : text string index .if MSB of this word is set, use lower 10 bits for user defined string index
04C..04F : string numerator (all 4 bytes for guest #, two bytes for "rides been on" etc.) 04D is ride # if generic name used
050..051 : Focus tile for overall view(row, col)
052..059 : four sets of row-col bytes for station departure segments
05A..05D : Station height (one byte for each station)
05E..061 : Station length (one byte for each station)
062..065 : Station signal (one byte for each station) [80 = green light, the lower nibble specifies if train moving through signal, waiting for departure control, track not clear, etc.]
066..069 : train in loading position (FF = none) (4 stations)
06A..071 : four sets of ride Entrance map location (row, col)
072..079 : four sets of ride Exit map location (row, col)
07A..081 : index (2 bytes) of last peep in queue line at station (4 stations)
082..085 : Num of peeps in queue line (one byte for each station)
086..0C5 : address (2 byte) of sprite data structure for each train(32). Set to FF for unavailable train numbers.
0C6 : departure flags
0C7 : # of stations
0C8 : # of trains
0C9 : # of cars per train
0CA..0CB : ?
0CC : max # of trains for current # of cars
0CD: “Limiter”
0CE : minimum wait time
0CF : maximum wait time
0D0 : speed of powered launch/laps/#peeps
0D1..0D3 : ?
0D4 : ?index of Data Logging structure (FF if none)
0D5 : ?special track elements: bits 0 through 4: number of helix sections; bit 5= spinning tunnel,water splash, rapids; bit 6= log reverser,waterfall; bit 7= whirlpool
0D6,0D7 : ?
0D8,0D9 : ?max speed lower word
0DA,0DB : max speed upper word ~2.25 mph per bit
0DC,0DD : ?avg speed lower word
0DE,0DF : avg speed upper word ~2.25 mph per bit
0E0..0E3 : ?
0E4..0E7 : ride length (1st section) - use upper word
0E8..0EB : ride length (2nd section) - use upper word
0EC..0EF : ride length (3rd section) - use upper word
0F0..0F3 : ride length (4th section) - use upper word
0F4, 0F5 : ride time (1st section)
0F6, 0F7 : ride time (2nd section)
0F8, 0F9 : ride time (3rd section)
0FA, 0FB : ride time (4th section)
0FC, 0FD : Maximum positive G force (divide by 100)
0FE, 0FF : Maximum negative G force (divide by 100)
100, 101 : Maximum lateral G force (divide by 100)
102..10D: ?
10E,10F : ?related to "curvature" of track
110,111 : ?
112,113 : ?
114: num of inversions (lower 5 bits)
115 : num of drops (lower six bits)
116 : ?
117 : max drop height (?in 1/3 meters ~ 1 ft)
118..11B : underground track length?
11C,11D : ?
11E : ?
11F : ?
120..121 : count of number of customers that during entered the ride during the current timer interval
122..123 : customer counter timer (resets at 1000)
124..137 : queue of 10 word values of “customer per interval” used to calculate customers per hour
138,139: ticket price
13A..13F : ?
140, 141 : Excitement (divide by 100)
142, 143 : Intensity (divide by 100)
144, 145 : Nausea (divide by 100)
146..149 : ?
14A : satisfaction (multiply by 5%) (-1 for unknown)
14B..14C : ?
14D : mainenance flags?
14E..14F : ?
150..153 : total customers
154..157 : total profit
158 : popularity (multiply by 4)
159 : ?number of guests "thinking" about ride
15A : ?
15B : ?#people on ride
15C..17F : ?
180..181 : Month of construction (used to determine ride age)
182, 183 : running cost (multiply by $1.60)
184..18C : ?
18D : mechanic status: 0=”none”, 1=calling for mechanic, 2=mechanic #n heading for ride, 3=mechanic #n is fixing ride
18E : sprite index of mechanic associated with ride repair
18F..192 : ?
193 : ?Break Down type: -1=not broken, 0="safety cut-out", 1="restraints stuck closed", 2="restraints stuck open", 3="doors stuck closed", 4="doors stuck open", 5="vehicle malfunction", 6="station brakes failure", 7="control failure"
194..195 : ?
196 : Reliability count down - when zero, Reliability is decremented
197 : Reliability (%)
198: Cheat detection flag?
199 : down time (%)
19A: Inspection interval (0 = 10 min, 1 = 20 min, 2 = 30 min, 3 = 45 min, 4 = 1 hr, 5 = 2 hr, 6 = never)
19B : time since last inspection (minutes)
19C : time since broke down
19D..1A7 : ?
1A8 : number of on-ride photos sold
1A9..1AC : ?
1AD : timer like 19B but generates “still hasn't been fixed” message every cycle of 16 counts
1AE..1AF : ?
1B0..1B3 : Income per hour
1B4..1B7 : profit
1B8 : queue time
1B9..1BB : ?
1BC..1BF : track primary colors(4)
1C0..1C3 : track secondary colors(4)
1C4..1C7 : track support colors(4)
1C8 : music selection (00=Dodgems, 01=Fairground organ, 02=Roman Fanfare, 03=Oriental, 04=Martian, 05=Jungle Drums, 06=Egyptian, 07=Toyland, 08=?, 09=Space, 0A=Horror, 0B=Techno, 0C=Gentle, 0D=summer, 0E=water, 0F=Wild West, 10=Jurassic, 11=Rock, 12=Ragtime, 13=Fantasy
1C9 : station theming (00=standard, 01=wooden, 02=canvas tent, 03=castle[grey], 04=castle[brown], 05=jungle, 06=log cabin, 07=classical, 08=abstract, 09=snow, 0A=pagoda, 0B=space)
1CA..1CC : ?
1CD : lift hill chain speed
1CE..1CF : number of guests considering this their favorite ride
1D0..1D1 : ride status flags: bit 0 = train(s) on track, bit 1 = tested; bit 2 = test in progress; bit 3 = don't show raw stats; bit 4 = pass through station without stopping; bit 5 = On-Ride photo; bit 6 = ?; bit 7 = broken down; bit 10 = crashed; bit 12 = ever been opened; bit 13 = play music; bit 14 = construction/demolition prohibited (indestructible ride); bit 15 = demolition prohibited (used when there are indestructible track pieces)
1D2..1D3 : ?
1D4..1E3 : vehicle colors(16)
1E4..1F6 : ?
1F7 : number of circuits
1F8..1FF : ?
200 : number of guests in queue at station 1
201 : number of guests in queue at station 2
202 : number of guests in queue at station 3
203 : number of guests in queue at station 4
204..25F : ?

I apologize for the gaps in the information. Please tell me any additional information you may have about this file structure.

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