0x000000..000003: map size
0x000004..271003: ten thousand "Sprite" data structures. Each structure is 256 (0x100) bytes long.
271006,7: ? Sprite# of next sprite object to be added.
271008,9: ? Sprite# of first vehicle sprite
27100A,B: ? Sprite# of 1st peep sprite
27100C,D: ? Sprite# of 1st duck/moving text sprite
27100E,F: ? Sprite# of 1st trash, vomit sprite
271010,1: Sprite structures available (counts down from
271012,3: ? Count of vehicles in game (untested)
? Count of peeps in game (untested)
271016,7: ? Count of
ducks/moving text (untested)
271018,9: ? Count of trash/vomit
271024..7: Cash
271028..B: Loan
27148C,D: Number of guests in park
2718F8,9: Park Rating (0..999)
271D38..B: Max Loan
271D40: scenario goal: 1 = #peeps (& park rating), 2
= park value, 3 = have fun!, 4 = competition, 5
= ten different coasters with excitement at least 6.00, 6 =
maintain park rating & #peeps, 7 = monthly ride income, 8
= ten different coasters with excitement at least 7.00 and minimum
length as specified, 9 = complete five coasters with minimum
excitement as specified, A = Repay loan and park value, B
= monthly profit from food, drink and merchandise
271D41: number
of years to reach goal (10 for competitions)
271D42,3: ?
271D44..7: money (park value/ride income/sales) goal / coaster
excitement goal (only for goal type 9)
271D48,9: #peeps goal /
minimum coaster length (meters)
27247C,D: map size
272E52..272E91: Scenario name (null term string)
272E92..272F91: Scenario details (null term string)
272F92: interest rate?
272FB4..27308F: Scenario File name (null term string)
27BADC..27C53B: 83 strings (null term 32 bytes each)
27C540..2A22DF: 255 Ride Structures. Each Structure is 608 (0x260) bytes long.
2E439C..2E8377: 61 Message strings. 268 bytes each. Same structure as in RCT1
Please tell me any additional information you may have about this file structure.