The following are the codes for scentery items which occupy a single tile.
Tthe number in brackets [] is the height of the element in decimal. A "Q" indicates that the element occupies only one quadrant of a tile.
00 = Tree [33]
01 = Tree [30]
02 = Tree [27]
03 = Tree
04 = Tree [17]
05 = Tree [20]
06 = Tree [22]
07 =
Tree [17]
tree: |
code: |
00 |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
06 |
07 |
08 = tree [11] Q
09 = tree [9] Q
0A = tree [10] Q
0B =
ornamental tree- teardrop [9] Q
0C = ornamental tree- ball [7]
0D = ornamental tree- cone [8] Q
0E = ornamental tree- duck
[9] Q
0F = Incense Cedar [34]
10 = Lawson Cypress [25] Q
= Montery Cypress [27]
12 = Monkey Puzzle [29]
13 = Italian
Cypress [30]
14 = Golden Hinoki Cypress [21]
15 = Arizona
Cypress [28] Q
16 = Hiba [16]
17 = Common Juniper [16] Q
= Meyer's Blue Juniper [14]
19 = Caucasion Fir [30]
1A = Cedar
of Lebanon [41]
1B = Red Fir (large) [29]
1C = Red Fir (small)
[28] Q
1D = European Larch [29]
1E = Aleppo Pine [20]
1F =
Scots Pine [39]
20 = Montezuma Pine [24]
21 = Corsican Pine
22 = Black Poplar [20]
23 = Lombardy Poplar [26] Q
24 =
White Poplar [19]
25 = Aspen [16]
26 = Magnolia [12]
27 =
Weeping Willow [18]
28 = Silver Birch [35]
29 = Voss' Laburnaw
2A = Cabbage Tree [20]
2B = Elephant Fountain [20]
2C =
ornamental tree- gator [8] Q
2D = ornamental tree- squirell [9]
2E = ornamental tree- heart [8] Q
2F = ornamental tree-
club[8] Q
30 = ornamental tree- diamond[8] Q
31 = ornamental
tree- spade[8] Q
32 = Giraffe statue [20]
33 = Unicorn statue
34 = Cannary Palm [19]
35 = Cactus (large) [16]
36 =
Palm tree (tall) [38]
37 = Palm tree [17]
38 = Cactus (small)
[11] Q
39 = Garden (large) [2] Q
3A = Geometric Fountain [19]
3B = bush [4] Q
3C = shrub [4] Q
3D = bush [4] Q
3E =
bush [4] Q
3F = shrub [4] Q
40 = bush [4] Q
41 = Garden
(large) [2]
42 = Garden (large) [2]
43 = Garden (large) [2]
= Garden (large) [2]
45 = Garden (large) [2]
46 = Garden
(large) [2]
47 = Garden (large) [2]
48 = Garden (large) [2]
= Garden (large) [2]
4A = Garden (large) [2]
4B = Garden
(large) [2]
4C = Garden (large) [2]
4D = Garden (large) [2]
= Roman Temple [10]
4F = Dolphin Fountain [19]
50 = Horse
statue [16]
51 = Horseman statue [16]
52 = Dolphins statue
53 = Roman statue male [19]
54 = Roman Statue female
55 = Roman Column [12] Q
56 = Cupid Fountain [12]
57 =
Egyptian statue [12]
58 = Cleopatra's Needle [8] Q
59 = Ruined
statue [2] Q
5A = Stone block [4] Q
5B = Egyptian column [8]
5C = Tall Toadstool [14]
5D = Medium Toadstool [11]
5E =
Flat White Toadstool [9]
5F = Candy Tree - Black [15]
60 =
Candy Tree - Cylinder [12]
61 = Candy Tree - Round [13]
62 =
Small Toadstool (tall) [8] Q
63 = Small Toadstool (flat) [4] Q
= Small Toadstool [5] Q
65 = Candy [8] Q
66 = Common Yew
67 = Broken wheel [2] Q
68 = Short Barrel (upright) [3]
69 = Short Barrel (on side) [3] Q
6A = Logs [2] Q
6B =
Wheels [3] Q
6C = Tall Barrel (on side) [3] Q
6D = Tall Barrel
(upright) [4] Q
6E = Junk [8]
6F = bullrushes [5] Q
70 =
Martian Equipment [10] Q
71 = Martian Tube [14] Q
72 = Martian
Coil [11] Q
73 = Martian Tower [35]
74 = Martian Pod [13]
= Wonderland House [10]
76 = Pumpkin House [11]
77 = Norway
Spruce [33]
78 = White Pawn [7] Q
79 = Black Pawn [7] Q
7A =
White Knight [8] Q
7B = Black Knight [8] Q
7C = White Rook [8]
7D = Black Rook [8] Q
7E = White "Queen" [12] Q
= Black "Queen" [12] Q
80 = Walnut [19]
81 =
Camperdown Elm [14]
82 = Common Oak [28]
83 = Honey Locust
84 = Chinese Cedar [32]
85 = White Bishop [8]
86 =
Black Bishop [8]
87 = White "King" [12] Q
88 = Black
"King" [12] Q
89 = Single Bone [8] Q
8A = Rib Cage
8B = Dead Tree [15]
8C = Dead Tree [16]
8D = Dead Tree
8E = Mausoleum [10]
8F = Graveyard statue (tall) [11] Q
= Graveyard statue (short) [8] Q
91 = Gravestone [3] Q
92 =
Gravestone [3] Q
93 = Gravestone [3] Q
94 = Gravestone [3] Q
= Stegasaurus [10]
96 = Triceratops [11]
97 = Jungle Tree
98 = Jungle Tree [35]
99 = Jungle bush [8] Q
9A =
underwater Fountain [24]
9B = Fruit Tree (A) [16]
9C = Fruit
Tree (B) [16]
9D = Geometric (Triangle sphere) [12]
9E = Jungle
Tree [23]
9F = Jungle Tree [16]
A0 = Jungle Plant [14]
A1 =
Jungle bush [9] Q
A2 = Geometric (Triangle prism) [12]
A3 =
Jungle Tree [18]
A4 = Jungle bush [12] Q
A5 = Jungle bush [9]
A6 = Jungle Tree [17] Q
A7 = Jungle Plant [9] Q
A8 =
Geometric (Cube) [10]
A9 = Garden Clock [1]
AA = Geometric
(Soccer Ball) [12]
AB = Geometric (Hex Prism) [12]
AC = Garden
(small) [2] Q
AD = Garden (small) [2] Q
AE = Garden (small) [2]
AF = Garden (small) [2] Q
B0 = Garden (small) [2] Q
B1 =
Garden (small) [2] Q
B2 = Garden (small) [2] Q
the following are in Loopy Landscapes:
B3 = snowman [14]
= igloo [6]
B5 = Caucasian Fir with snow [30]
B6 = Red Fir with
snow [29]
B7 = Red Fir- small with snow [28] Q
B8 = Norway
Spruce with snow [33]
B9 = castle tower round(brown) [27]
BA =
castle tower round(grey) [27]
BB = giant snowflake(1) [8] Q
= giant snowflake(2) [8] Q
BD = giant snowflake(3) [8] Q
BE =
cannon [4] Q
BF = target [6] Q
C0 = log cabin (snow) [12]
= giant snowball [10]
C2 = space capsule [10]
C3 = cauldron [4]
C4 = swamp goo [1]
C5 = skull [12]
C6 = bat statue (small)
[14] Q
C7 = bat statue [19]
C8 = pumpkin [10]
C9 = jungle
flower [12]
CA = water lilly [1]
CB = space sculpture [16]
space sculpture (small) [8] Q
CD = gong [8] Q
CE = space house
CF = small chinese house [8]
D0 = tall chinese house
D1 = asian tree 3 [20]
D2 = asian tree 4 [16]
D3 = dog
statue [16] Q
D4 = asian tree 1 [9] Q
D5 = asian tree 2 [14]
D6 = space building [18]
D7 = space tree [16]
D8 = chinese
building [14]
D9 = space flytrap [20]